martes, 8 de julio de 2008


KAMILA escribió:

Dear friends,

I would like to share with you my experience from Camino de Santiago – 2 weeks pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela – in total around 350 km on feet.

Hola amigos,
me gustaria compartir con vosotros mi experiencia de mi Camino de Santiago – 2 semanas caminando en total 350 km.

Camino de Santiago

8.7.2008 Prague – Madrid
My journey to Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain begins.
In Madrid, where I flew from Prague, I meet a friend Jose (very nice guy who I know from Alaska) and who made a quick Madrid tour for me.
Jose introduces me to Spanish refreshing drink – beer with lemon Fanta – and it is actually very tasty!
Overnight bus is taking me to Gijon – north of Spain, region Asturias.

9.7.2008 Gijon – Aviles 27km
I start to walk.
Not knowing that the marking of Camino (a tile with a seashell) is showing by its position if to go to the right or left, I take totally different route. Thanks to the help of local people I end up in Aviles – destination for that day.
My first day of walk is full of happiness for being here.
Pain of the day – lower back.

10.7.2008 Aviles - Soto de Luina 36km
My whole day companion is a priest with who I have an interesting conversation about religion.
We walk Camino that is going through forest as thick as a jungle.
For lunch we have a Spanish speciality – empanada de atun (baked bread filled with tuna) – delicious.
Pain of the day – heels.

11.7.2008 Soto de Luina – Almuna 37km
In the morning I walk with 2 firemen – Joaquin and Luis.
Thinking I am braver than Spanish firemen, I take an alternative Camino that is occupied by goats, dogs and wild & wet nature.
After 37 tiring kilometers of walking, I am so happy to see my blue alberque (place for pilgrims to sleep) that I want to cry.
I meet with new international group of friends – Mickey (Sweden/Italy), Roberto (Italy), Jesus (Spain), Eduardo (Ecuador), Felix and Johanna (Germany).

12.7.2008 Almuna – La Caridad 30km
First rain – my waterproof jacket starts to leak in 30 minutes. After quick rain comes the sun again.
I feel that believing in the energy of Camino makes me to be absolutely positive.
In the evening we try local drink – Sidra - apple alcohol that is being poured to a glass from 1 meter height to maximize the taste.

13.7.2008 La Caridad – Ribadeo 21km
I start to walk too early - at 6.30am on Sunday morning – which brings me little troubles – young Spanish guy in a car (just leaving some Saturday fiesta) who needs to hear 15 times “NO” to understand I don’t want a ride.
In spite of this experience, I prefer to walk alone to be fully in my mind.
When crossing a forbidden bridge I am forced to walk 20cm from its unfinished edge.
We stay in alberque on the cliffs + have beach fiesta with cold swimming – our first encounter with beauty of this region – Galicia.

14.7.2008 Ribadeo – Vilanova de Lourenza 31km
Signalization of Camino is changing and I fortunately know it.
Impressive valleys and beautiful views are all around us. I take my time and sit by myself in the grass to enjoy the nature as much as possible.
Camino makes people to talk openly about things they don’t do usually – for example about father’s side of having a baby.
Besides of meeting a lot of new people, we get to know more our new American friends – Kirsten and Carlos - great couple from California.

15.7.2008 Vilanova de Lourenza – Gontan (Abadin) 24km
I get tired after 10km knowing that I have to walk another 14. When staying in a local café, I meet with German couple who I met 2 days ago – Bianca and Alex. Having an excellent chat with them makes me feel full of energy again.
We stay in very new and very well equipped alberque in Gontan with very friendly hospitalero (administrator of alberque) Alberto.
In the evening we have a big pilgrim dinner – with almost everybody from our alberque – Joaquin and Luis, Elena with sister, Sabina with Steven, Kirsten and Carlos, Mickey and Roberto, Jesus and Eduardo, Alberto – which implies great fun and going to bed late.
With Eduardo we take out our bed mattresses and we sleep on the terrace of the alberque. Eduardo covers me during the night with his blanket – how sweet.

16.7.2008 Abadin – Villalba 22km
As I have already realized before, Mickey – 14years old boy – is very mature and it is possible to talk to him almost about anything.
We walk too fast and we get to alberque already before 2pm. We find out that we have separate dormitories for men and women and so we try to break the rules.
With friends we taste local beer without gas (and without Fanta :) – Estrella Galicia.
Spending the last evening with Jesus, Eduardo, Mickey, Roberto, Kirsten and Carlos, the other day we don’t walk together anymore. I feel pretty sad for not seeing them on the Camino again.

17.7.2008 Villalba – Miraz 36km
I notice that religious education can be making young people more mature and responsible.
In the afternoon I arrive to alberque in Miraz which is one of the most special ones. Great people – 3 ladies Ulla, Marisa and Lita from Confraternity of Saint James in England – are taking care of us by being motherly lovely, making us dinner and having great conversations with us.
Dutch 21 years old boy – Bob - who walks from 24th March from Holland (yes, he walks from his home to Spain and back!)- is staying there that night too. He has already walked more then 3000km and he is on his way back – by feet – and he will get home in October. We have nice conversation under the stars.

18.7.2008 Miraz – Sobrado de los Monjes 23km
As usually, I walk mostly by myself and I enjoy the calmness and beauty around me.
We sleep in alberque in monastery – I join with others the “Completas” which is an evening prayer that is sung by monks - very special evening.

19.7.2008 Sobrado de los Monjes – Pedrouzo 41km
Thinking I will walk just to Arzua (22km from Sobrado) I take my time and get to Arzua at around 5pm. There I find out that the public alberque is full and the private alberques are more expensive and unfriendly. Fortunately I meet with Alberto who I know already for few days and I walk with him another 20km to another alberque that is also full. We decide to sleep under the stars. Alberto (who will be father in October) has very warm personality and we have nice evening.

20.7.2008 Pedrouzo – Santiago de Compostela 22km
Breakfast with Alberto at 7am wakes us up and then we walk separately to Santiago to make the most of it. 5km before Santiago - in Monte de Gozo - I see the first time the objective of my Camino – Santiago de Compostela. It feels amazing that I am almost there, after 12 days of walking.
Entering the town is also emotional and being in the cathedral of Santiago makes me feel very happy for everything I have experienced.
I get my compostela (diploma written in latin) for walking to Santiago from Gijon. My latin name is Kamillum.
As a great crown of my Camino, I sleep in alberque of Franciscan monastery where I participate in a special pilgrim prayer.

21.7.2008 Santiago de Compostela - Madrid
In the morning I walk in small streets of Santiago. At 12am there is a pilgrims mass in the cathedral and it is a great experience. In a full cathedral I meet my first Czechs of the Camino – Magda and Pavel – great couple from Olomouc with whom and their Polish friends I spend half of the afternoon.
I say goodbye to Saint Jacob (main character of Santiago cathedral and pastor of pilgrims) and I know I will come back again.
I take an overnight bus to Madrid.

22.7.2008 Madrid – Prague
I walk in Madrid from the bus station to the airport and I take the same flight as Magda and Pavel.
Home sweet home!! Clean clothes, real bed and my loving family.

Thanks to all of you I met on the Camino, it was great experience to be there and with you!


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